Conversion Rate Optimization

What Is the Conversion Rate, and How is it Calculated?

Conversion rate is the result of dividing the total number of customers by the whole website’s traffic (organic, direct, social, referral, etc). This would be in percent.

Does your local Vancouver website convert most of the traffic to real customers? If not, read the following definitions.

Website Traffic

The number of online users who visit your website through organic, direct, referral, or paid search.

Search Engine Optimization only focuses on improving the organic traffic of a website. Organic traffic refers to those who have searched for a query on Google and visited your website link / URL.

Call to Action (CTA)

In order to attract the visitors, you need to add sections like button or banner so the users may contact you. Leaving your website without reaching out to you is definitely not something you want. So, you should consider an area on your website where you are going to add CTAs.

Conversion is the quantity of website traffic driven to your website turning into real leads using the website’s CTAs.

Simply put, the conversion rate is the result of dividing your business real leads by your total website traffic in percent.

Sitka Digital team is completely familiar with improving the conversion rate in websites and the know-how of growing your business. Our service area includes Canada and the United States.

Items affecting conversion rate are:


How fast does your website load? Are you providing a high-quality experience for your visitors?

Well, having a fast loading website with a great user experience is a must, otherwise, your business won’t be successful.

Your website conversion rate is influenced by the performance of website speed, user experience (UX), user interface (UI) and relevancy.

The user interface is the visual version of your website. It contains the use of features such as sharp colors along with negative spaces and in-place separators as well as adding unique and relevant images.

According to MOZ, most people would rather look at actual faces than stock photos. More interestingly, the direction of your look sort of dictates the direction of your visitors’ look. For instance, if there is a face on your webpage looking down the page somewhere, the visitor’s eyes will also be directed to that direction on the spur of the moment. Thus, it matters that you look to your CTA or the product you want to sell. In addition, having a small smile on your face can attract a lot more attention to your photo.

Content is also one of the most important factors in converting visitors into leads. If you have provided a relevant and of course unique content for the readers, why shouldn’t they turn into customers?


In the 21st century, most of the businesses have understood how important it is to have a website as an introduction platform, but would it really suffice? Obviously not.

If you do a simple online search for the term “building a website”, you will get more than 1G results most of which are web development companies. Not all of them use innovative ideas to design your website, But We Do!

It matters that you implement a certain and leading innovative idea behind your website. Creating a leading funnel from the top section of your website up to the bottom certainly lies within the range of our expertise.

There are many more factors affecting how well your website is doing on turning the potential leads to real ones. If you are interested in getting familiar with them, feel free to contact our office, and schedule your consultation.

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